There is a notion in Western society that, if we put ourselves first, we are being selfish. I want to invite you to challenge this belief and start to reframe aspects of what others may deem to be selfishness, and rather see that as valuable self-care. Self-care is when we do something for ourselves that serves us for our highest good to become a better version of ourselves. Energised by this, we can serve the people around us for their highest good.
Find what works for you
“Rest and self-care are so important. When you take time to replenish your spirit, it allows you to serve others from the overflow. You cannot serve from an empty vessel.”
— Eleanor Brown
I perfected the art of the 30-minute power nap before my children came home from school. This served me in the form of rest (self-care). In turn, this served my children because I was better able to face the afternoon rush of school pick-up, homework, cooking dinner and bedtime. So, in being a fully available mom, I was then the best I could be for them (their highest good).
Love yourself
Self-care does not have to be an epic event. We can practice it in many small ways. It can become one of the best strategies for self-advocacy. Self-care says “This is what I need and this is how I can meet that need.” When we begin to meet our needs better, we begin the profound journey of what it truly means to love yourself. And without that, we cannot truly love as we will be approaching that task from a place of inner emptiness and have little to offer others aside from words and platitudes.